Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Diamond Jewelry In Pakistan And Uk 17

Diamond Jewelry In Pakistan And Uk
By Farzana Aamir 

Farzana Diamond Jewelry in the beautiful jewelry for women choice is diamond jewelry it 18k white gold and diamond in bridal and party jewelry By Farzana a jewelry great honor for as.

This deviation of rays of light on entering a new medium is called refraction. In figure 2.1 the rays of light, I.O, is refracted along OR  on entering the denser medium blow the surface PQ. The broken line show the path of  followed by 

the reflacted light. The extent of the bending of refraction of light on entering the stone depends upon its refracting power or 'refractive index', and this is inversely proportional to the velocity of light withing the substance. Put differently, the refractive index of a medium may be define as the velocity of light in air* divided by the velocity of light in the medium. The velocity of light in air approximately I86,000 miles per second, and light from the sun and stars 

travel to us at this immense speed. In quartz (rock, crystal, amethyst, etc) the velocity is reduced to approximately I20,000 and its diamond to only 76,860 miles per second. Thus diamond, in which light travels as mentioned above, at 76,860 miles per second in empty space, has a refractive index of I86,000\76,860=2.042; higher then the refractive index of any other gemstones used in jewellery-accounting for the brilliant, adamantine lustre of the stone.

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