Thursday, January 30, 2014

Yellow Diamond Gold Fashion Jewelry 67

Yellow Diamond Gold Fashion Jewelry.
By Farzana Aamir.
Discovered in South Africa in 1877, the stone was purchased by New York jeweler Charles Tiffany. His gemologist, George Frederick Kunz, studied the gem for a year before beginning to cut it; reducing it from 287 carats (57.5g) to its current size. The cutting was carried out in Paris. Kunz was a mere 23 years old at the time. It was mounted by Jean Schlumberger.
"In 1879, the Tiffany branch in Paris obtained the Tiffany Diamond, which weighed 287.42 carats in the rough. It was the largest yellow diamond found up to that time. The formidable task of supervising the cutting of this extraordinary stone was the responsibility of one George Frederick Kunz (1856-1932), a twenty-three year old gemologist who had just joined the firm. The cutting process took exceptional courage and insight. Kunz added an additional 32 facets to the accepted square antique brilliant cut, bringing the total to ninety. The result is an exceptionally scintillating cut which 

returns a great deal of light to the eye. Large diamonds of comparable brilliance were not fashioned until well into the 20th century. Discovered in South Africa in 1877, the stone was purchased by New York jeweler Charles Tiffany. His gemologist, George Frederick Kunz, studied the gem for a year before beginning to cut it; reducing it from 287 carats (57.5g) to its current size. The cutting was carried out in Paris. Kunz was a mere 23 years old at the time. It was mounted by Jean Schlumberger.
"In 1879, the Tiffany branch in Paris obtained the Tiffany Diamond, which weighed 287.42 carats in the rough. It was the largest yellow diamond found up to that time. The formidable task of supervising the cutting of this extraordinary stone was the responsibility of one George Frederick Kunz (1856-1932), a twenty-three year old gemologist who had just joined the firm. The cutting process took exceptional courage and insight. Kunz added an additional 32 facets to the accepted square antique brilliant cut, bringing the total to ninety. The result is an exceptionally scintillating cut which returns a great deal of light to the eye. Large diamonds of comparable brilliance were not fashioned until well into the 20th century.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Yellow Diamond Fashion Jewelry Collection 66

Yellow Diamond Fashion Jewelry Collection.
By Farzana Aamir.

The gem was on loan from Tiffany & Co. to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C. and was on display from April 18th, 2007 until September 23rd, 2007. At the time, Jeffrey E. Post, the museum`s gem curator, said that this was the largest diamond on display in the U.S. The famous Hope Diamond is only 45.5 carats, which is two and a half times less than the Tiffany Yellow Diamond.
The diamond is known to have been worn by only two women during its lifetime. It was worn by Mrs. Sheldon Whitehouse at the 1957 Tiffany Ball held in Newport, Rhode Island, mounted for the occasion in a necklace of white diamonds.[5] It was subsequently worn by Audrey Hepburn in 1961 publicity photographs for Breakfast at Tiffany's.The gem was on loan from Tiffany & Co. to the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C. and was on display from April 18th, 2007 until September 23rd, 2007. At the time, Jeffrey E. Post, the museum`s gem curator, said that this was the largest diamond on display in the U.S. The famous Hope Diamond is only 45.5 carats, which is two and a half times less than the Tiffany Yellow Diamond.[3][4]
The diamond is known to have been worn by only two women during its lifetime. It was worn by Mrs. Sheldon Whitehouse at the 1957 Tiffany Ball held in Newport, Rhode Island, mounted for the occasion in a necklace of white diamonds.[5] It was subsequently worn by Audrey Hepburn in 1961 publicity photographs for Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Yellow Diamond Fashion Jewelry Collection 65

Yellow Diamond Fashion Jewelry Collection.
By Farzana Aamir. 

The Tiffany Yellow Diamond is one of the largest yellow diamonds ever discovered; it weighed 287.42 carats (57.484 g) in the rough when discovered in 1878 in the Kimberley mine in South Africa, and was cut into a cushion shape of 128.54 carats (25.108 g) with 82[1] facets—24 more than a traditional round brilliant—to maximize its brilliance. The facet pattern features eight needle-like facets pointing outward from the culet (bottom) facet. Jewelry and diamond historian Herbert Tillander refers to this as a 'stellar brilliant cut', and lists

the gem in his book "Diamond Cuts in Historic Jewelry - 1381 to 1910" (1995) among other such diamonds: The Koh-I-Noor, the Polar Star, the Wittelsbach, among others. The Tiffany Yellow Diamond is one of the largest yellow diamonds ever discovered; it weighed 287.42 carats (57.484 g) in the rough when discovered in 1878 in the Kimberley mine in South Africa, and was cut into a cushion shape of 128.54 carats (25.108 g) with 82[1] facets—24 more than a traditional round brilliant—to maximize its brilliance. The facet pattern features eight needle-like facets pointing outward from the culet (bottom) facet. Jewelry and diamond historian Herbert 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Black Diamond In Bridal Fashion Jewelry 64

Black Diamond In Bridal Fashion Jewelry.
By Farzana Aamir
King Louis XV, in 1749, had the stone reset by court jeweler Andre Jacquemin, in a piece of ceremonial jewelry for the Order of the Golden Fleece (Toison D'Or). In 1791, after an attempt by Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette to flee France, the jewels of the French Royal Treasury were turned over to the government. During a week-long looting of the crown jewels in September of 1792, the French Blue diamond was stolen.

King Louis
In 1812 a deep blue diamond described by John Francillion as weighing 177 grains (4 grains = 1 carat) was documented as being in the possession of London diamond merchant, Daniel Eliason. Strong evidence indicates that the stone was acquired by King George IV of England. At his death, in 1830, the king's debts were so enormous that the blue diamond was likely sold through private channels.
The first reference to the diamond's next owner is found in the 1839 entry of the gem collection catalog of the well-known Henry Philip Hope, the man from whom the diamond takes its name. Unfortunately, the catalog does not reveal where or from whom Hope acquired the diamond or how much he paid for it.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Black Diamond Weddings Fashion Jewelry 63

 Black Diamond Weddings Fashion Jewelry.
Farzana Diamond Jewelry: Black Diamond Weddings Fashion Jewelry 62: Black Diamond Weddings Fashion Jewelry. By Farzana Aamir. Not only was it believed that diamonds could bring luck and success, but al...

Black Diamond Weddings Fashion Jewelry 62

Black Diamond Weddings Fashion Jewelry.
By Farzana Aamir.

Not only was it believed that diamonds could bring luck and success, but also that they could counter the effects of astrological events. There were many that wore diamonds as charms believing in their ability to heighten sexual prowess and attract others. Plato even wrote about diamonds as living beings, embodying celestial spirits.
Their rarity, durability and beauty made them popular among midieval royalty.
Today, diamonds continue to hold a deep fascination as the world’s ultimate symbol of wealth.
Modern diamond mining as we know it today began in South Africa in the late 19th century.
The top seven diamond-producing countries, accounting for 80 percent of the world’s rough diamond supply, are Botswana, Russia, South Africa, Angola, Namibia, Australia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 
The Farzana diamond jewelry.  jewelry  wedding  you bride  this is  a your choice.  you are jewelry to view  for. In general, jewelry  does not review Diamond and ruby chose people do or any jewelry in  . For more information our , farzana diamond jewelry please visit the of . any farzana diamond jewelry, of the gold. your how jewelry diamond choice do. Farzana Diamond Jewelry in the beautiful jewelry for women choice is diamond jewelry it 18k white gold and diamond in bridal and party jewelry  you jewelry great honor for us.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Black Diamond Weddings Bridal Jewelry 61

Black Diamond Weddings Bridal Jewelry.

By Farzana Aamir.

Table of Contents Alphabetical Glossary
History Of Diamonds
It was over 4,000 years ago that the first diamonds were mined in India, in alluvial deposits of the stone along the rivers Krishna, Penner and Godavari.
Diamonds were known in ancient Greece and the Roman empire. Consider the ancient Greeks and Romans who believed diamonds were tears of the Gods and splinters from falling stars.

The Hindus attributed so much power to them that they even placed them in the eyes of the statues of deities. 
The Farzana diamond jewelry. jewelry wedding you bride this is a your choice. you are jewelry to view for. In general, jewelry does not review Diamond and ruby chose people do or any jewelry in . For more information our , farzana diamond jewelry please visit the of . any farzana diamond jewelry, of the gold. your how jewelry diamond choice do. Farzana Diamond Jewelry in the beautiful jewelry for women choice is diamond jewelry it 18k white gold and diamond in bridal and party jewelry you jewelry great honor for us.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Diamond Super Fashion Geants Style Jewelry 60

Diamond Super Fashion Geants Style Jewelry.
By Farzana Aamir
Despite its long history in the public eye, the diamond still prompts many questions. Was the Hope Diamond cut from the great French Blue Diamond that was stolen during the French Revolution in 1792? Are there other blue diamonds that were cut from the same original parent stone as the Hope Diamond? Why does the Hope Diamond emit an intense ember-orange glow after exposure to ultraviolet light? Recent research highlighted elsewhere on this web site has attempted to unlock these and other secrets of the Hope Diamond. A 3-D computer modeling study explored the cutting history of the Hope Diamond and investigated whether other diamonds could have been cut from the Hope Diamond parent stone. A second project used a variety of spectroscopic methods to probe the luminescence behavior of the Hope

Diamond, including the orange phosphorescence, and compare it to more than 70 other blue diamonds. In addition to providing insights into the cause of the phosphorescence, the study suggested that the particular phosphorescence behavior of a blue diamond might serve to uniquely identify that stone.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Diamond Fashion Bride Jewelry 59

Diamond Fashion Bride Jewelry. 
 By Farzazna Aamir.

 Today, like every day, thousands to tens of thousands of visitors will press into the Harry Winston Gallery of the Smithsonian’s Geology, Gems and Minerals exhibition to experience the beauty, magic and mystery of the Hope Diamond, making it, perhaps, the most visited museum object in the world. What is it that has elevated the Hope Diamond to such an iconic status? In addition to being the must see at the Smithsonian Institution, it is recognized around the world, and is even used by media in our society as the ultimate example of value and perfection. Many assume that the Hope Diamond is the world’s largest diamond, which of course it is not. The expectation is to see something about the size of a softball, and what they see instead is a 45.52 carat, walnut-sized gem. And then there is the color; who ever heard of a blue diamond? But obviously 

this diamond must have some things going for it. In fact, once they get past the “it’s not the biggest” disappointment, most people have to admit that it is one of the largest diamonds they have seen. And when they learn that dark-blue diamonds are very rare, and very valuable, and that the Hope is one of the largest known, the respect level quickly rises. No doubt the fact that it has been viewed by more than 100 million people since Harry Winston gave it to the Smithsonian Institution in 1958 also contributes to its fame. Others are intrigued to learn that the Hope diamond was cut from a crystal that was born of unimaginable heat and pressure 100 miles deep in the earth, where no human has ever visited or ever will. Diamonds are also time travelers, having witnessed hundreds of millions to billions of years of Earth’s history, and more recently the lives of those that have cut, sold, and worn them. The Hope Diamond’s recent history, as recounted in the timeline on this web site, includes a stint in the French Crown Jewels, a daring theft, two recuttings, an English King, a wealthy American socialite, a bit of mystery and a curse or two. The beauty of a diamond is undiminished with time. They accumulate history. And of course, the next chapter of the Hope Diamond’s story is happening now. How will it end? No one knows, but for now it sits quietly in its display vault, slowly turning, and watching…

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Black Diamond Jewelry Weddings Bridal Fashion 58

Black Diamond Jewelry  Weddings Bridal Fashion.
By Farzana Aamir.  

The Hope diamond has left the Smithsonian only four times since it was donated. In 1962 it was exhibited for a month at the Louvre in Paris, France, as part of an exhibit entitled Ten Centuries of French Jewelry. In 1965 the Hope diamond traveled to South Africa where it was exhibited at the Rand Easter Show in Johannesburg. In 1984 the diamond was lent to Harry Winston Inc., in New York, as part of the firm's 50th anniversary celebration. In 1996 the Hope diamond was again sent to Harry Winston Inc., in New York, this time for cleaning and some minor restoration work.

The weight of the Hope diamond for many years was reported to be 44.5 carats. In 1974 it was removed from its setting and found actually to weigh 45.52 carats. It is classified as a type IIb diamond, which are semiconductive and usually phosphoresce. The Hope diamond phosphoresces a strong red color, which will last for several seconds after exposure to short wave ultra-violet light. The diamond's blue coloration is attributed to trace amounts of boron in the stone.

In the pendant surrounding the Hope diamond are 16 white diamonds, both pear-shapes and cushion cuts. A bail is soldered to the pendant where Mrs. McLean would often attach other diamonds including the McLean diamond and the Star of the East. The necklace chain contains 45 white diamonds.

In December of 1988, a team from the Gemological Institute of America visited the Smithsonian to grade the great blue stone according to present day techniques. They observed that the gem shows evidence of wear, has a remarkably strong phosphorescence, and that its clarity is slightly affected by a whitish graining that is common to blue diamonds. They described the color as fancy dark grayish-blue. In 1996, after another examination they described the color as fancy deep grayish-blue. An examination on the same day in 1988 by another gemologist using a very sensitive colorimeter revealed that there is a very slight violet component to the deep blue color which is imperceptible to the naked eye. Still, one can only wonder that the original 112 3/16-carat stone bought by Tavernier was described as "un beau violet" (a beautiful violet).

Friday, January 17, 2014

Black Diamond Jewelry Style For Women 57

Black Diamond Jewelry Style For Women.
By Farzana Aamir. 

Harry Winston Inc. of New York City purchased Mrs. McLean's entire jewelry collection, including the Hope diamond, from her estate in 1949. This collection also included the 94.8-carat Star of the East diamond, the 15-carat Star of the South diamond, a 9-carat green diamond, and a 31-carat diamond that is now called the McLean diamond.

For the next 10 years the Hope diamond was shown at many exhibits and charitable events world wide by Harry Winston Inc., including as the central attraction of their Court of Jewels exhibition. On November 10, 1958, they donated the Hope diamond to the Smithsonian Institution, and almost immediately the great blue stone became its premier attraction.
Harry Winston

The Hope diamond has left the Smithsonian only four times since it was donated. In 1962 it was exhibited for a month at the Louvre in Paris, France, as part of an exhibit entitled Ten Centuries of French Jewelry. In 1965 the Hope diamond traveled to South Africa where it was exhibited at the Rand Easter Show in Johannesburg. In 1984 the diamond was lent to Harry Winston Inc., in New York, as part of the firm's 50th anniversary celebration. In 1996 the Hope diamond was again sent to Harry Winston Inc., in New York, this time for cleaning and some minor restoration work.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Black Diamond Jewelry For Women Fashion 56

Black Diamond Jewelry For Women Fashion. 
By Farzana Aamir

Following the death of Henry Philip Hope in 1839, and after much litigation, the diamond passed to his nephew Henry Thomas Hope and ultimately to the nephew's grandson Lord Francis Hope. In 1901 Lord Francis Hope obtained permission from the Court of Chancery and his sisters to sell the stone to help pay off his debts. It was sold to a London dealer who quickly sold it to Joseph Frankels and Sons of New York City, who retained the stone in New York until they, in turn, needed cash. The diamond was next sold to Selim Habib who put it up for auction in Paris in 1909. It did not sell at the auction but was sold soon after to C.H. Rosenau and then resold to Pierre Cartier that same year.

In 1910 the Hope diamond was shown to Mrs. Evalyn Walsh McLean, of Washington D.C., at Cartier's while on her honeymoon in Paris, but she did not like the setting. Cartier had the diamond reset and took it to the U.S. where he left it with Mrs. McLean for a weekend. This strategy was successful. The sale was made in 1912 with the diamond mounted as a headpiece on a three-tiered circlet of large white diamonds. Sometime later it became the pendant on a diamond necklace as we know it today. Mrs. McLean's flamboyant ownership of the stone lasted until her death in 1947.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Black Diamond Weddings Ring Jewelry 55

Black Diamond Weddings Ring Jewelry. 
By Farzana Aamir

In 1947, De Beers launched its now classic slogan, "A Diamond is Forever." This spurred even more sales. The implied durability of a diamond conveyed the meaning in the American psyche that marriage is forever. A diamond's purity and sparkle have now become symbols of the depth of a man's commitment to the woman he loves in practically all corners of the world.
In 1992, the average cost of a diamond engagement ring was $1,500. Today, the average cost is closer to $5,000.
Over the years, the most popular cut for diamond engagement rings has always been the round brilliant,consisting of 58 facets that divide the stone into a top and bottom half. Runners up include the princess cut, the emerald cut and the oval cut, with the cushion cut quickly gaining popularity as a recent trend. Diamonds were too rare and expensive for those of lesser means to afford until the discovery of African diamond mines in the 1870s. The De Beers Company was the sole owner and operator of these newly discovered mines in South Africa. In the 1930s, when demand for diamond rings declined in the U.S. during hard economic times, the De Beers Company began an aggressive marketing campaign using photographs of glamorous movie stars swathed in diamonds. Within three years, the sales of diamonds had increased by 50 percent.
Farzana Diamond Jewelry.
Black diamond is for you ring and earrings very nice. and this of use s your life nice beautiful make to ring and necklace black diamond jewelry, and your friend life partner great  gift is black diamond jewelry. black diamond the jewelry is latest fashion as. and girls  choice the black diamond jewelry earring engagement ring nice use the wedding ceremony as is. you choice is great honor for us.  

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Black Diamond Bridal Jewelry 54

Black Diamond Bridal Jewelry.
The History of the Hope Diamond
By Farzana Aamir

The history of the stone that was eventually named the Hope diamond began when the French merchant traveller, Jean Baptiste Tavernier, purchased a 112 3/16-carat diamond. This diamond, which was most likely from the Kollur mine in Golconda, India, was somewhat triangular in shape and crudely cut. Its color was described by Tavernier as a "beautiful violet."
Farzana Diamond Jewelry.
Black diamond is for you ring and earrings very nice. and this of use s your life nice beautiful make to ring and necklace black diamond jewelry, and your friend life partner great  gift is black diamond jewelry. black diamond the jewelry is latest fashion as. and girls  choice the black diamond jewelry earring engagement ring nice use the wedding ceremony as is. you choice is great honor for us.
Tavernier sold the diamond to King Louis XIV of France in 1668 with 14 other large diamonds and several smaller ones. In 1673 the stone was recut by Sieur Pitau, the court jeweler, resulting in a 67 1/8-carat stone. In the royal inventories, its color was described as an intense steely-blue and the stone became known as the "Blue Diamond of the Crown," or the "French Blue." It was set in gold and suspended on a neck ribbon that the king wore on ceremonial occasions.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Black Diamond Engagement Ring 53

Black Diamond Engagement Ring.
The History of the Diamond Engagement Ring

A man presents his prospective bride with an engagement ring upon acceptance of his marriage proposal. Anthropologists believe this tradition originated from a Roman custom in which wives wore rings attached to small keys, indicating their husbands' ownership. In 1477, Archduke Maximillian of Austria commissioned the very first diamond engagement ring on record for his betrothed, Mary of Burgundy. This sparked a trend for diamond rings among European aristocracy and nobility.
Farzana Diamond Jewelry.
By Farzana Aamir
Black diamond is for you ring and earrings very nice. and this of use s your life nice beautiful make to ring and necklace black diamond jewelry, and your friend life partner great  gift is black diamond jewelry. black diamond the jewelry is latest fashion as. and girls  choice the black diamond jewelry earring engagement ring nice use the wedding ceremony as is. you choice is great honor for us.  
The sentimental Victorians popularized ornate engagement ring designs that mixed diamonds with other gemstones, precious metals and enamels. Often these rings were crafted in the shapes of flowers and were dubbed “posey rings.” Diamond rings crafted during the Edwardian era continued the tradition of pairing diamonds with other jewels, commonly mounted in filigree settings.
Diamonds were too rare and expensive for those of lesser means to afford until the discovery of African diamond mines in the 1870s. The De Beers Company was the sole owner and operator of these newly discovered mines in South Africa. In the 1930s, when demand for diamond rings declined in the U.S. during hard economic times, the De Beers Company began an aggressive marketing campaign using photographs of glamorous movie stars swathed in diamonds. Within three years, the sales of diamonds had increased by 50 percent.

Black Diamond Girls Fashion Ring Jewelry 52

Black Diamond Girls Fashion Ring  Jewelry.
By Farzana Aamir
Diamonds signify steadfast, enduring love because of their unmatched strength and beauty. The versatile look of diamonds enables them to be worn with any outfit, from an elegant cocktail dress to blue jeans. It’s no wonder diamond engagement rings are the most popular accompaniment to popping the question.

Although the tradition of giving a ring to the woman who has promised to become your bride goes back centuries, diamond engagement rings are a relatively recent innovation. Diamond engagement rings first became popular in the 1930s. By 1965, 80 percent of all new brides in the United States sported one.
Black diamond is for you ring and earrings very nice. and this of use s your life nice beautiful make to ring and necklace black diamond jewelry, and your friend life partner great  gift is black diamond jewelry. black diamond the jewelry is latest fashion as. and girls  choice the black diamond jewelry earring engagement ring nice use the wedding ceremony as is. you choice is great honor for us.  
What's the most important criterion for the diamond engagement ring? It should be a piece of jewelry that she loves and that fits within his budget.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Black Diamond Ring Jewelry For Women And Men 51

Black Diamond Ring Jewelry For Women. 
By Farzana Aamir
Black diamond is for you ring and earrings very nice. and this of use s your life nice beautiful make to ring and necklace black diamond jewelry, and your friend life partner great  gift is black diamond jewelry. black diamond the jewelry is latest fashion as. and girls  choice the black diamond jewelry earring engagement ring nice use the wedding ceremony as is. you choice is great honor for us.
Note: Dewey was the president of the Lake Placid Organizing Committee and was largely responsible for the selection of Lake Placid for the 1932 Winter Olympics. He was the son of Melvil Dewey, the inventor of Dewey Decimal System.
Could not escape fate
The 12-square miles around Corvallis and Woodside produced 314 carloads of produce in the year ending November 1. This does not include any produce shipped by other means, such by local freight or truck. Included in this bounty were potatoes, hay, cattle, hogs, sheep, lettuce, apples, and onions.

Green vegetables were hauled all summer over the Skalkaho road to Anaconda and Butte.
Oddball insurance
False arrest, the birth of twins, the freezing of the Thames River before the end of the year, and compensation for labor strikes are the latest insurance curiosities in Britain. Lloyds of London is now underwriting a wide-variety of events and situations beyond the more typical life and accident insurance. Like a bookmaker, the underwriter alters from day to day the odds he offers in premiums against whatever unwanted event for which the insurer is obtaining an insurance policy.
Peres Molina escaped death in the city of Mendoza, Argentina, when a large iron sheet fell from a roof and landed within inches of him. A few minutes later, Molina calmly entered a restaurant, seated himself, and then died from a heart attack.
Walking on water

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Diamond Jewelry In Fashion 50

Diamond Jewelry In Fashion.
Big Ben cracked
By Farzana Aamir.

Radio fans who have heard on their sets the clock strike the hours from the Westminster tower have detected a flaw in its sounds. W. Boughton of the Ancient College of Youths has confirmed that the flaw is caused by crack in the giant bell. In fact, the crack is so large “you can stick your arm through the fracture.”

The Farzana diamond jewelry.  jewelry  wedding  you bride  this is  a your choice.  you are jewelry to view  for. In general, jewelry  does not review Diamond and ruby chose people do or any jewelry in  . For more information our , farzana diamond jewelry please visit the of . any farzana diamond jewelry, of the gold. your how jewelry diamond choice do. Farzana Diamond Jewelry in the beautiful jewelry for women choice is diamond jewelry it 18k white gold and diamond in bridal and party jewelry  you jewelry great honor for us.
Note: "Big Ben" weighs 13½ tons. The bell cracked because too heavy a hammer was initially used. The crack and the subsequent retuning gives Big Ben its distinctive present tone. It is thought its name comes from Benjamin Caunt, a large, prize-ring champion of the 1850s.
Professor says “Revise Alphabet”
Dr. Godfrey Dewey of Harvard University has introduced a new alphabet consisting of 24 consonants, 13 vowels, four diphthongs and a sign for the word “the”. While the professor allows how the new alphabet would take longer to learn, its advantages are enormous. By using fewer letters for most words, thoughts could be expressed more efficiently, millions of tons less print paper would be needed, typists could do their work in much less time, and readers could read faster.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Diamond stylish Fashion Jewelry 49

Diamond stylish Fashion Jewelry. 
By Farzana Aamir.

December 27, 2013 6:34 pm  •  PHILL CONNELLY For the Ravalli Republic(0) Comments
Every weekend the Ravalli Republic takes a look back at a year in history from the pages of Ravalli County newspapers. Phil Connelly scours the archives at the Ravalli County Museum to make this happen. We thank the museum for granting access to their archives. This week we take a look at 1926

The Farzana diamond jewelry.  jewelry  wedding  you bride  this is  a your choice.  you are jewelry to view  for. In general, jewelry  does not review Diamond and ruby chose people do or any jewelry in  . For more information our , farzana diamond jewelry please visit the of . any farzana diamond jewelry, of the gold. your how jewelry diamond choice do. Farzana Diamond Jewelry in the beautiful jewelry for women choice is diamond jewelry it 18k white gold and diamond in bridal and party jewelry  you jewelry great honor for us.
Diamond kings fear price cut
Diamonds will soon become as common as artificial pearls if the current unrestricted output from alluvial diggings continue, according to South African diamond magnate Soloman Joel, director of the De Beers Consolidated mines. He has recently arrived in South Africa in hopes of persuading the government there to limit alluvial output.
Note: De Beers is a cartel of companies that dominate diamond mining, diamond trading and industrial diamond manufacturing sectors. The cartel sells about 75% of all diamonds in the world.
Prior to the 1930s, diamonds were seldom given as engagement rings.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Diamond Pakistani Fashion Jewelry 48

Diamond Pakistani Fashion Jewelry.
By Farzana Aamir.

Recent Times

During the mid-nineteenth century, diamonds were also being discovered in eastern Australia. However, it was not until late 1970's, after seven years of earnest searching, that Australia's alleged potential as a diamond producer was validated.
On October 2nd 1979, geologists found the Argyle pipe near Lake Argyle: the richest diamond deposit in the world. Since then, Argyle has become the world's largest volume producer of diamonds, and alone is responsible for producing over a third of the world's diamonds every year.The Farzana diamond jewelry.  jewelry  wedding  you bride  this is  a your choice.  you are jewelry to view  for. In general, jewelry  does not review Diamond and ruby chose people do or any jewelry in  . For more information our , farzana diamond jewelry please visit the of . any farzana diamond jewelry, of the gold. your how jewelry diamond choice do. Farzana Diamond Jewelry in the beautiful jewelry for women choice is diamond jewelry it 18k white gold and diamond in bridal and party jewelry  you jewelry great honor for us.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Diamond Indian Fashion Jewelry 47

Diamond Indian Fashion Jewelry.
By Farzana Aamir.

The Middle Ages
During the Middle Ages more attention was paid to the worth of diamonds, rather than the mystical powers surrounding them. Due to the heightened public awareness of the value of diamonds, mine owners perpetuated myths that diamonds were poisonous. This was to prevent the mineworkers swallowing the diamonds in an attempt to smuggle them out of the mines.

The popularity of diamonds surged during the Middle Ages, with the discovery of many large and famous stones in India, such as the Koh-I-Noor and the Blue Hope. Today India maintains the foremost diamond polishing industry in the world.
As the Indian diamond supply dwindled, smaller finds occurred in Borneo and Brazil, but these were not sufficient to meet the ever-increasing demand for diamonds. The mid-nineteenth century discovery of diamonds near the Orange River in South Africa sparked the world's biggest diamond rush, and helped to satiate the world's increasing appetite for diamonds.The Farzana diamond jewelry.  jewelry  wedding  you bride  this is  a your choice.  you are jewelry to view  for. In general, jewelry  does not review Diamond and ruby chose people do or any jewelry in  . For more information our , farzana diamond jewelry please visit the of . any farzana diamond jewelry, of the gold. your how jewelry diamond choice do. Farzana Diamond Jewelry in the beautiful jewelry for women choice is diamond jewelry it 18k white gold and diamond in bridal and party jewelry  you jewelry great honor for us.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Diamond Fashion Girls Jewelry 46

Diamond Fashion Girls Jewelry.
By Farzana Aamir.

From myths about valleys of diamonds protected by snakes, to the production of millions of carats in rough diamonds each year, the history of diamonds is one of mystical power, beauty and commercial expertise.
Early History

The first recorded history of the diamond dates back some 3,000 years to India, where it is likely that diamonds were first valued for their ability to refract light. In those days, the diamond was used in two ways-for decorative purposes, and as a talisman to ward off evil or provide protection in battle.
The Dark Ages
The diamond was also used for some time as medical aid. One anecdote, written during the Dark Ages by St Hildegarde, relates how a diamond held in the hand while making a sign of the cross would heal wounds and cure illnesses. Diamonds were also ingested in the hope of curing sickness. During the early Middle Ages, Pope Clement unsuccessfully used this treatment in a bid to aid his recovery.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Diamond Bridal Weddings Jewelry 45

Diamond Bridal Weddings Jewelry.
By Farzana Aamir.

As one of the trade’s major participants, De Beers had to change, too. The De Beers of today bears little resemblance to the De Beers of 1989. The company greatly reduced its role as the custodian of diamond supply. Instead of flowing into the market in a single-channel path from De Beers, diamonds now flow into the market through multiple channels.
Not everything changed, though. Regardless of the path they take, diamonds still flow from mines through cutting centers, and ultimately to retail customers.

Diamond’s splendor has been appreciated for centuries, but there was not much scientific knowledge about it before the twentieth century. Since then, diamond knowledge has grown steadily, with research by chemists, physicists, geologists, mineralogists, and oceanographers. In the past 50 years alone, scientists have learned a lot about how diamonds form and how they’re transported to the earth’s surface. That knowledge has made it easier to predict locations for new diamond discoveries.