Monday, January 20, 2014

Diamond Super Fashion Geants Style Jewelry 60

Diamond Super Fashion Geants Style Jewelry.
By Farzana Aamir
Despite its long history in the public eye, the diamond still prompts many questions. Was the Hope Diamond cut from the great French Blue Diamond that was stolen during the French Revolution in 1792? Are there other blue diamonds that were cut from the same original parent stone as the Hope Diamond? Why does the Hope Diamond emit an intense ember-orange glow after exposure to ultraviolet light? Recent research highlighted elsewhere on this web site has attempted to unlock these and other secrets of the Hope Diamond. A 3-D computer modeling study explored the cutting history of the Hope Diamond and investigated whether other diamonds could have been cut from the Hope Diamond parent stone. A second project used a variety of spectroscopic methods to probe the luminescence behavior of the Hope

Diamond, including the orange phosphorescence, and compare it to more than 70 other blue diamonds. In addition to providing insights into the cause of the phosphorescence, the study suggested that the particular phosphorescence behavior of a blue diamond might serve to uniquely identify that stone.

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